Which questions have the highest score on PTE?
PTE is very easy to clear, and you can easily score desired points if you do your preparation logically. There are...
PTE reading and writing fill in the blanks Tips
Reading: Fill in the Blanks
The fourth question type in, Reading: Fill in the Blanks. There will be 4-5 of these...
How can you do PTE Re-order Paragraphs
The third question type in the reading skills will be to re-order paragraphs. You will be provided with a text...
PTE Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer/Multiple Answers Tips
The first question type, you will need to complete is a Multiple-choice, Choose a Single Answer question in the...
What is NAATI CCL exam? And how many languages are available in NAATI CCL?
NAATI CCL exam is for those who want to apply for Australia PR. NAATI CCL is available in many languages. This exam...
Tips to attend multiple choice questions for PTE Exam
The first question type, you will need to complete is a Multiple-choice, Choose a Single Answer question in the...